Spring Break!

blog 2In honor of Spring Break being in just a few short days, I wanted to talk about some Spring Break safety tips.  I wish I could spend my last Spring Break on a sunny beach somewhere, but instead I will be spending my week in snowy New Hampshire doing job interviews.  However, if you are like most college students, you have been planning a trip with your closest friends to go away to someplace warm and tropical, maybe even out of the country!  I have come up with a few guidelines that may come in handy while you are out celebrating your short escape from school.

If you are driving to your destination, make sure you buckle up!  You never know when anblog 5 accident might occur and wearing a seatbelt could save your life.  Just last year on my drive down to Florida for Spring Break, a group of my friends and I were in a tiny fender-bender.   Luckily no one was hurt and there was no damage to either of the cars, but we were all definitely in shock afterwards.  Also, be sure to alternate drivers.  If you are driving for more than five hours, it is a good idea to switch off.  This will allow for the new driver to be less tired and have a fresh view of the road.  Most importantly, do not drink and drive.  It will make the roads safer for you and those drivers around you.

Once you get to your location, find where you are staying and any necessities around you, such as the ATM or a 24 hour convenience store.  It is best to visit the ATM in a group, during daylight hours, and cover your hand as you punch in your pin numbers. blog 4

It is also very important to stay hydrated.  Most people are not used to the warm weather and the constant sun, or even the massive amount of drinking that usually occurs.  Be sure to pace yourself while you drink and always keep an eye on your drink to make sure the strangers around you don’t add anything to your beverage.

For those out there who have fair skin like I do, remember that it is very important to wear sunscreen and reapply it throughout the day.  Be sure to pay extra special attention to your ears, nose, face and shoulders.  It may even be a good idea to avoid sun exposure during the hottest hours blog 3of the sun’s rays.  If you are out in the sun all day, it is extra beneficial (and stylish!) to wear sunglasses and a sun hat.  Remember: you can burn even when it is cloudy out!

My favorite Spring Break advice; however, is if you go out with your friends, make sure you go home with your friends.  This ensures that everyone you are with makes it home safely each night, which is a top priority.  I hope these tips help keep everyone safe, while still having an exciting Spring Break that is worth talking about for years to come!

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