Up All Night

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Welcome to college.  You now don’t have every class every day, and you have free reign of when you do your work, as long as you get it done before it is due!  All of this free time and freedom seems great at first, until you realize how poorly you have planned your time and now your assignment is due in less than 12 hours!  After procrastinating, it’s time to pull an all-nighter!blog 2

When you decide an all-nighter is absolutely necessary, it is best to have a plan and come prepared.  This includes knowing what you need to study and how you are going to do it, such as make notecards, rewrite your notes, or just read the book.  Before you even leave your house, make sure you have everything you will need for the night.  It is a good idea to bring your books for that class, notecards, pencils, laptop and charger, drinks, snacks, and any other studying items you deem important.  What you snack on throughout the night can either help or hurt you.  Be sure to choose blog 3your snacks wisely and keep yourself hydrated.  Don’t choose snack that are full of sugar.  Sugar causes a short burst of energy, but ultimately results in a decrease in your body’s blood sugar level making you feel even more lethargic than before.  This crash of energy is hard to overcome.  Foods high in protein are best to eat during all-nighters because they will give you the long lasting energy you need, with no post-consuming crash.

Choosing a good location is the blog 2one of the most important steps.  In order to stay up all night, pick a place that has good lighting to help keep you awake.  Our bodies take darkness as a sign that it is time for bed, so if you keep it bright then you have a better chance of tricking your body out of becoming too tired.  Also, pick a location where you will not need to move later in the night.  Some buildings have a closing time, where you will be interrupted and asked to leave.  This will completely throw off your mind set and make it hard to get back in the zone.

One part of an all-nighter that is often overlooked is to set anblog 3 alarm prior to when you need to in your class.  Most people do not think this is necessary because they plan to stay up all night, but what happens when they accidentally fall asleep and miss the test or due date of the paper that they just spent all night working on?  Then all their hard work was for practically nothing.  So remember, before you start studying to set an alarm (or multiple) for the morning, just in case you do happen to fall asleep!

If you are lucky enough to finish your work earlier than you expected, then you can celebrate with a quick sleep before class.  As long as you have more than 30 minutes before you have to be in class… go to bed!  But make sure you have set multiple alarms; it will be harder than normal to force yourself to get out of bed.blog 5

6 thoughts on “Up All Night

  1. Great tips! I have definitely pull a few all nighters since I’ve been in college. One good tip I would like to add would be switching from coffee to tea when you start to see the daylight. Tea is much less intense as coffee and can help you relax a little bit before you take your exam while still including caffeine.

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  2. This really hit home since I am currently pulling an all nighter…I usually never plan out my entire night and just dive right into my work hopped up on caffeine and work non-stop. I always regret it the next day and it takes at least 24 hours to regain my normal schedule back. I’ve done it many times and never learned from it. Wish I would have had these tips as a freshman!

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  3. These are some great tips! I have never personally pulled an all nighter but I have been up very late. One of the tips I like is the one about the snacks. Its easy to eat candy and food full of sugar while studying because its convenient. Especially in the C-Store! I guess snacks like fruits and nuts will not only give you energy but it will help you get your work done to a better degree!

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  4. Great tips, I don’t know how many all-nighters I have pulled during my 4 years in college, but definitely more than my body could handle. There are so many times I have missed that class or test because I just crashed on my computer half way through the night. Always gotta remember those alarms

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  5. These are some really great tips! I have pulled so many all-nighters while in college these tips would have been great to have four years ago! Its so true you need to pick out a good spot, I have spent all-nighters in the wrong spot with the wrong people and got nothing done! Next time I have to pull an all-nighter I will definitely look back to this post!

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